How do you prefer to work with me?

Scroll down the page below to discover my solutions for you and choose the one you consider the best for your situation.

If you still have doubts at the end of the page you can book a free call to discuss with me and we can discuss it together to help you with your choice.

Single Session

Psychotherapy or Sophrology session

I propose single sessions of PCA Psychotherapy or brief psychotherapies as EFT, NLP, IET or Sophrology.

Single sessions of 50 minutes at this price, 100€, are available from 7:00 to 21:00 Paris time.

Package of 10 sessions, ( where each session is at 90€ or 80€ for students or unemployed), is available too.

Contact me at if you want to set the package solution.



to regain self-confidence, inner peace and life balance.

A few years ago I created my successful ONE to ONE intense program Versione21 to help other business people to manage their emotions, to feel comfortable setting boundaries and free to be themselves.

With my knowledge in brief psychotherapies, psychotherapy, sophrology & coaching, I work on 3 main axes :

Traumas, Limiting beliefs & Emotional blocks.

Sophrology 10 Group Sessions


Sophrology is a therapeutic methodology helping to regain wellbeing and develop the potential.

This package is made to work in group specifically on Anxiety in general (group zoom call live).

Sessions are made up of Dynamic Exercises and what is called Sophronization.

1 weekly session per for 2,5 months. Sessions are Video recorded and available for 1 Year.

Audio file ready to download.


What a client wrote me recently


I’ve been trying to find the words to thank you for weeks but words don’t seem to come out.

As a sensitive person who cares so deeply about others, you’ve helped me see that choosing myself, putting boundaries in place, speaking my needs is the most important thing I can do for others.

You’ve given me so many tools I can use when my old patterns surface and you’ve truly helped me find more of myself. I find myself knowing what I desire & going for it. I find myself wanting to please others & put them first - but choosing me instead &&& everyone benefiting.

I could not be more grateful for your support as I grew my business to levels this year, I know it would not be possible without you. I have a deeper sense of purpose, a peace in who I am that I haven’t had before and an internal permission to check in with myself first.

I don’t know how I can say thank you in a meaningful way for the change you’ve helped me create in my life.

I know that who ever has the pleasure of working with you is going to walk away a better, calmer version of themselves and honestly, that brings me so much joy to think about.

We need more women who understand that our sensitivity to the world around us is not a burden by a gift. You helped me understand that my sensitivity makes me a great leader, mentor & coach. You helped me see my own worth & my own power.

Im in tears as I write this because the person who I was when we started working together — is no longer who I am. Being supported by you has been an incredible experience I will always remember.



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"8 ways to manage your overthinking, in 5 minutes per day"

Not Sure What's Right For You?

Whether you're looking for support, wondering if a program is right for you, or just have a question - Click the link below to book a call

or write me at

About me: I'm fully licenced in Psychotherapy PCA and in Sophrology here in France. I'm also internationally licenced in EFT, NLP, IET and I'm mindset coach. I'm an expert in high sensitivity and specialised in recovery from traumas

You can find the list of all diplomas and certifications on my profile Linkedin where you will discover that I'm also a mechanical engineer and I've been working in the automotive industry for over 15 years before changing my career to be a full-time therapist in the service of others' wellbeing.

I'm the creator, of a life-changing, four month-program "Versione21".

It is a successful individual program that works on Traumas, Emotional Blocks, Limiting beliefs, and unhealthy habits.

It allows the person to find calm, clarity, fulfilment, confidence and self-esteem. In this program, I use all the different techniques and of course, some bits of Sophrology to help the person to reconnect internally.

In parallel I propose also individual or grousp sessions of psychotherapy and sophrology.

© 2024 Versione21, Simona D'Isanto SIRET : 839 889 995 00016 "Conformément aux articles L.616-1 et R.616-1 du code de la consommation, nous proposons un dispositif de médiation de la consommation. L’entité de médiation retenue est la CNPM Médiation Consommation. En cas de litige, vous pouvez déposer votre réclamation sur son site ou par voie postale en écrivant à CNPM Consommation, 27 avenue de la Libération 42400 Saint-Chamond".