Manage your Anxiety with Sophrology

10 weekly group session online program


Lately, are you worried about the future?

Do you feel nervous or tense?

Do you have a restorative sleep?

Or do feel tired when you wake up or have difficulties falling asleep?

Do the noises around you disturb your internal calm to a point of being startled and your heart beat faster?

In the last few years, Anxiety increased quite everywhere in the world due to the general stress we are enduring.

Anxiety can be a chronic difficulty and often need therapy support to work the deep root causes, but there are tools that help to manage it.

Here it comes to help Sophrology ( from Greek words: sos-harmonious, phren-consciousness and logos-science. --> The Science of Harmonious Consciousness) that, depending on the case, can be used alone or in parallel with psychological support.

Created by the neuropsychiatric Alfonso Caycedo in the 60s, Sophrology is a self-development technique that improves the general wellbeing of the person.

It mixes breath exercises, relaxation, visualisations, connections to all 5 senses getting inspiration from Yoga, Buddhism, Zen, Neuroscience and Phenomenology.

Thanks to Sophrology you reconnect with your internal world

You learn to make the difference between what you really feel and what you believe to feel.

You get a relaxed mind and body. and you concentrate on listening to what are you feeling

About me: I'm a Sophrologist since 2017, fully licenced here in France. I'm also internationally licenced in EFT, NLP, IET, PCA , counsellor, mindset coach. I'm expert in high sensitivity and specialised in traumas

You can find the list of all diplomas and certifications on my profile Linkedin where you will discover that I'm also a mechanical engineer and I've been working in the automotive industry for over 15 years before changing my career to be a full-time therapist at the service of others' wellbeing.

I'm the creator, of a life-changing, four month-program "Versione21". It is a successful individual program that works on Traumas, Emotional Blocks, Limiting beliefs, Unhealthy habits. It allows the person to find calm, clarity, fulfilment, confidence and self-esteem. In this program, I use all the different techniques and of course, some bits of Sophrology to help the person to reconnect internally.


Manage your Anxiety with Sophrology

A program ( called protocol in Sophrology), of 10 weekly sessions in a group, live on Zoom, to WORK AROUND your Anxiety.

START taking the right actions to get you to feel calmer, relaxed, less reactive to what is happening around you, more connected with your internal world and what you really feel.


  • Result # 1 You gain calm and relax
  • Result #2 You learn how to take the right distance from what is happening around you and live your life from a more objective and positive perspective
  • Result #3 You learn more about yourself and your self-esteem
  • Result #4 You learn to listen and accept yourself
  • Bonus A: Audio files of all the exercises available to download
  • Bonus B: sessions fully recorded available within 24h after the relative live session. Available for 3 months from the date of the first session. Separate video for each exercise.
  • Bonus C: For the first 5 people who join this program and until the 11th of April- You get a 50% code access to one of my next workshops ( How to navigate through your difficult emotions or Be Successful HSP) value above 99€

How a typical group Sophrology session normally works:

It last around 1 hour and it is composed of

A) An initial TIME OF EXCHANGE in the group

B) 2 or 3 or 4 EXERCISES depending on their length, called DR ( Dynamic Relaxation).

They are very simple and light exercises that involve your body, breathing, and concentration.

C) SOPHRONIZATION is a relaxed visualisation that allows reprogramming the positive in you

(check this video to have an example: )

D) A final TIME OF EXCHANGE, to discuss the experiences during the session.

You do not need to learn anything before.

You do not need to have a certain level of mobility or previous meditation practice*.

I'll guide you step by step!

The level of each session increases following a precise plan.

It consents to integrate what is proposed gradually without effort.

*Sophrology is not recommended if you take psychotropic drugs


Exercises and visualizations that you can repeat alone and integrate into your daily routine

Recordings of the sessions are available within 24 hours from the live.

So, if you can't participate live at the session, you do not lose anything.

But you can also review them as many times you want in between two sessions and integrate the exercise you prefer in your daily routine.

Audio files of each exercise and visualization

After each new session, you also receive the audio files of each exercise and the lesson. In this way, you will have them always handy with you to practice them as much as you want

A full protocol of Sophrology for Managing your Anxiety:

10 weekly group sessions live on Zoom!

Here is the theme of each session

Session 1: Introduction to sophrology 11 April 2022

Session 2: Drive away the tensions 25 April 2022

Session 3: Eliminate the anxiety 02 May 2022

Session 4: Set in place the calm 09 May 2022

Session 5: Get the distance from daily life stress 16 May 2022

Session 6: Promote the calm 23 May 2022

Session 7: Develop self-confidence 30 May 2022

Session 8: Increase serenity 06 June 2022

Session 9: Develop Self-esteem 13 June 2022

Session 10: Be conscious of your ability to live your daily life with calm and serenity 20 June 2022

You are invited to repeat one or a few exercises per day between two sessions to attend the best results.

Follow what you feel that you can handle without effort.

Each session has a specific theme, as you can see from the list.

The sessions are interconnected. Session ONE prepares for session TWO, session TWO prepares for session THREE and so on. For a positive result, It is mandatory to follow this plan without leaving behind a session or jumping from session to session.

It is also important to leave a 6/7 days minimum between 2 sessions to ensure that the different information is integrated.

That's why sessions are delivered live, one by one.

The video recorded sessions will be available for 3months by the first live session date to assure proper accountability for each participant. The more you follow the rhythm with the group, the more you practise during the week, the best results you have.

The program will start on 11th April 2022, and doors close one week later.

You have time to enrol until 20th April 2022, and then doors will be closed until the next rollout of the program.

After It will be sold recorded but don't know when I will launch it again live.

During this version, all 10 sessions will be recorded live and customised to the needs of the participants.

That's why you must take this offer today! It's a unique opportunity!

P.s.The price will increase the next time I run this program!

Take immediate action!

Today's Price = €247 €99

LAUNCH DEAL -148€ until the 11th of April!

apply the coupon code before payment: CALM22

This price moves to 147€ after the 11th of April!

Catch the opportunity NOW!



Top features

  • Program 10 group live sessions from 11 April 2022 to 20 June 2022 (Value €247)
  • 50% off coupon ACCESS For the first 5 people who join this program and until the 11th of April- to one of my next workshops ( How to manage your difficult emotions or Be Successful HSP) value above 99€on
  • Audio file to download
  • 3 months access


Session 1

for free

  • Access for free to the session of Monday the 11 April 2022
  • Replay available for 24 hours


What I can find inside your program?

The program includes 10 weekly group sessions ( there will be 2 weeks between the 1st and the 2nd session to allow everyone to be on track) Sessions are in general on Monday evening at 20:00 Paris time. They are of 1hour.

  • Audio files of the exercise available to download after each session
  • Session are video recorded and available within 24 hours from the live.

The access to the video is of 3 months.

Is this program good for highly sensitive people?

Soprology in general is great for highly sensitive people because it allow the person to reconnect with the body and the inner world.

What are the bonuses ?

Included with this program are :

  • audio file to download
  • until the 11th of April a coupon code at 50% less than the standard price for one of my next workshops of April or May or June ( saving of 99 €)* and only for 5 people.
  • After the 3rd April the coupon code is 50%

* expire date 01/07/2022

At what times are the live calls?

Every week calls will be at 8 P.M. Paris time in general on Monday.

You will receive the details of the live sessions once you enrol in the program.

Due to the type of program, NO REFUND POSSIBLE

For any questions send me a mail to

© 2024 Versione21, Simona D'Isanto SIRET : 839 889 995 00016 "Conformément aux articles L.616-1 et R.616-1 du code de la consommation, nous proposons un dispositif de médiation de la consommation. L’entité de médiation retenue est la CNPM Médiation Consommation. En cas de litige, vous pouvez déposer votre réclamation sur son site ou par voie postale en écrivant à CNPM Consommation, 27 avenue de la Libération 42400 Saint-Chamond".